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Important Questions for Your Veterinarian 

April 15, 2024

Will your four-legged companion be coming to see us at our Galloway, OH animal clinic in the near future? While many of our patients would no doubt prefer to stay at home and nap or go to a dog park, regular treatment will keep them healthy and happy. Keep in mind that this is an excellent opportunity to ask questions and receive personalized advice regarding your pet’s needs and care. What follows is a list of recommended questions to bring up during your next appointment with your veterinarian in Galloway, OH. 

Is My Pet’s Microchip Okay?

Microchips are self-contained and do not require servicing; however, they are prone to malfunctions and occasionally get displaced. It is a good idea to have your pet’s microchip checked regularly by your Galloway, OH veterinarian, just to make sure it hasn’t slipped or malfunctioned. 

Should I Be Worried About Any Seasonal or Localized Threats?

This is particularly crucial for individuals who have recently relocated to a new region.  All environments provide distinct dangers for our furry pals. For instance, foxtail grasses could be well-known to people in the Southwest but totally unknown to someone who recently moved to Texas from Vermont. Regardless of how long you’ve lived in the same place, it’s still a good idea to ask about this. There is always a possibility that a new threat has emerged.

Which Vaccinations Are Necessary for My Pet?

All pets should receive the core vaccinations. Fido’s include canine distemper, canine adenovirus type 2, canine parvovirus type 2, and rabies. For cats, there are FeLV, rabies, FHV-1, FCV, and FPV.

In addition, your veterinarian may suggest other immunizations. Although not recognized as essential, Bordetella is usually advised for dogs, especially those that interact with other pups in a park, daycare, kennel, or other settings. It is also common to suggest Lepto vaccine, particularly for dogs in rural or suburban areas. This safeguards canines from the deadly disease leptospirosis, which they might catch from polluted soil or water.

The suggestions could also change depending on your location. While a rattlesnake vaccine could be prudent for a dog in Texas, it’s unlikely to benefit a puppy from New England.

Is My Cat’s Behavior Normal?

This one may be a loaded question. In all honesty, it’s possible that there is no such thing as a typical cat! Fluffy is full of endearing eccentricities. We might never really comprehend some, like her incessant need to knock stuff off tables. 

The primary goal is to determine whether your pet’s behavior and health fall into a normal range. Your vet will be able to offer important insight as to whether your kitty’s behavior is a sign that something is amiss, or just yet another of Fluffy’s quirks.

What Should I Be Feeding My Pet?

Selecting the right pet food can be tricky. There’s certainly no shortage of brands competing for consumers’ attention. Age, breed, health, weight, lifestyle, and medical history are some of the most important considerations when deciding which option is best for your beloved pet. Talking to your vet in Galloway, OH about this regularly is very important. Nutrition affects nearly every aspect of your pet’s health.

It would be helpful for you to take a picture of the pet food you are currently using, especially if you just changed brands and/or are giving your pet food from a company that makes many different kinds of pet food.

Is My Pet Susceptible To Any Specific Diseases?

Any pet can experience any health problem. Nevertheless, certain pets are more susceptible to particular ones. Examples include the increased likelihood of visual or auditory impairment in white cats and dogs and the increased likelihood of hip dysplasia in large breed dogs. (Hint: Finding out your dog’s genetic makeup might not be a terrible idea if you own a mixed-breed dog.)

Do My Pet’s Teeth Look Good?

Fido and Fluffy’s dental health is very important, just like ours. When something goes wrong with Fido or Fluffy’s teeth, they can’t call the dentist or even brush their own teeth. Every time you take your pet in for an appointment, have the vet inspect their choppers. If something is amiss, you can proceed accordingly. 

Should I Give My Pet Dietary Supplements?

Supplements and vitamins can aid in the management or prevention of numerous diseases and injuries. These are not one-size-fits-all, though. For dogs suffering from joint issues, glucosamine is a common recommendation; for dogs with eye issues, a supplement rich in vitamin A could be helpful. Talk to your vet before you start giving your pet anything,

How Is My Pet’s Weight?

Your furry buddy’s weight will affect their health, just as people’s does. Your veterinarian can tell you if your pet is at a healthy weight, or if they are over or underweight. Even just being a few pounds below or above the appropriate weight can have an impact on your four-legged buddy’s health! 

How Can I Help My Pet Age Comfortably?

The thought that your beloved pet is entering its senior years could come as a surprise: it may seem like you only recently brought home that cute puppy or kitten. As time goes on, your pet’s care requirements will evolve. This could include changing their food, playing differently, or even changing their bedding. We’re here to help our patients through all of their life stages with purrs, cuddles, and tail wags. 

How Much Exercise Does My Pet Actually Need?

Our furry friend’s size, breed, and health will all play a role in determining their exercise requirements. Labrador Retrievers, for instance, can be great swimmers. They can also benefit from this as a low-impact cardiovascular exercise. However, some pups, like Dachshunds and Pugs, are in grave danger in just a few inches of water. 

As time goes on, your pet’s activity requirements will change. Dogs get really big very quickly, which is hard on their bodies. When your canine pal is a puppy, it’s probably not a good idea to encourage him to jump or stand on his hind legs. Be extra cautious during this vital time! Certain types of exercise can stress Fido’s musculoskeletal system, causing lifelong problems. With older dogs, you should exercise extreme caution because they are more brittle and more quickly overexerted. This is also something to touch base with your vet on. 

Is  My Pet On The Best Preventative Care For Them?

Preventing illnesses and parasites in your pet is both easier and more cost-effective than treating them after they’ve already gotten established. Preventative care can also help protect your pet from dangerous parasites and diseases. Heartworm prevention, flea and tick management, and a host of other choices are now readily available. Revisiting this topic with your vet on a regular basis is a good idea, regardless of how long your pet has been on the same regimen.

In conclusion, it is essential to communicate with your veterinarian about your pets’ health. If you want to know what’s best for your pet’s health, whether you’re an experienced pet parent or just starting out, don’t hesitate to ask questions.

Please note that this is in no way an exhaustive list of all possible inquiries. If you have any of these questions, or any others, get in touch with our animal clinic in Galloway, OH, at any time!

Posted in General Care

175 Galloway Rd.
Galloway, OH 43119
t: (614) 870-3900
f: (614) 870-6655

Also serving Westland and
surrounding areas.

Opening Hours:
Hours are by appointment only including those for medication, food, and product pick-up.